Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back to normal

After all that fuss about how the leaves on my S. brevipilosa were standing out nicely, today I look and see the lower leaves are beginning to curl around the pot. Oh well, so it's normal after all!

S. brevipilosa a day later


Besides species and vintage violets, I also collect the Optimara Little Jewels. Three blooms are open on Optimara Blue Topaz. I think the blooms are cute and are shaped like bells. The description doesn't mention bells, but that doesn't mean they aren't.

Optimara Blue Topaz (7346) 04/11/1990 (Holtkamp) Single purple-blue. Medium green, pointed, hairy, glossy. Miniature.

Close-up of the blooms.

I also have first blooms on Optimara Little Coral.

Optimara Little Coral (Holtkamp) Double two-tone pink Heart-shaped medium green Miniature

Soon I will have pictures of Tipt and Sherbert (both Richter's) in bloom!

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